PEN TRICKS—A MENTAL TOY 

  As the modern world became busy, because of the higher level technologies are being used, plenty of information from life and business also complex relationships have gluten in our life. People may not have rest time to enjoy their live beside playing mobile phone application. So, people created the hand game, such like the buckyball a mantel toy that developed our main with its easy way of play, or a spinning pen the topic that I currently working on that also is a mental toy that developed our brain and hand with smarter move.

Spinning pen is very fun. I heard about it many years ago but the exact time of touch it was last year summer time, I saw it in the TV show and  found it was so cool. In spinning pen the different part of hand have different name, different spinning has different name.Such like

  • thumb around, it is spinning deal with thumb spinning.
  • Charge
  • Sonic
  • Finger pass
  • Thumb around reverse
  • Finger 8
  • Thumb spin

Above are the famous basic skills of pen tricks. Here is a web side that I found very helpful

I also got two experts in twitter replies in my twitter, they told me, the practice is very important. They practice thousand times in their life and told me I have to practice with their tutorial  in YouTube, here is the YouTube

Hope you all enjoy the spinning pen.

Lupo Dimitri. Pen spinning. Photograph. Pinterest. Pinterest. 2015. web. 11 Jan.  2016.

SAMTIME. “How To Do Pen Tricks!!  3 Dec. 2014. web. 11 Jan. 2016 

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